Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric
Le délai de livraison: 

  • Fabricant: Microsoft

Meilleur prix:  51578 

Votre évaluation de ce produit

Microsoft Fabric is an end-to-end analytics and data platform designed for enterprises that require a single solution. It includes data movement, processing, ingestion, transformation, real-time event routing, and reporting. It offers a full suite of services, including Data Engineering, Data Fabric, Data Science, Real-Time Analytics, Data Warehousing, and Databases.

With Fabric, you don’t need to assemble different services from multiple providers. Instead, it offers a seamlessly integrated, user-friendly platform that simplifies your analytics requirements. Working with the Software as a Service (SaaS) model, Fabric provides simplicity and integration with your solutions.

Microsoft Fabric integrates individual components into a cohesive stack. Instead of relying on different databases or data stores, you can centralize your data warehouse with OneLake. AI capabilities are seamlessly embedded into Fabric, eliminating the need for manual integration. With Fabric, you can easily turn raw data into actionable insights for business users.


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