Virtual Machines Azure RI

Virtual Machines Azure RI
Жеткізу мерзімі: 

  • Өндіруші: Microsoft

Үздік бағасы:  3424 

Сіздің баға бұл тауардың



The more cloud technologies, the less expenses

Save up to 72% on pay-as-you-go Windows and Linux VMs for one or three years. When you leverage Azure Reserved VM Instances with the Azure Hybrid Benefit to lower costs, you can save up to 80%**.

Reduce your total cost of ownership with a combination of Azure Reserved Instances and pay-as-you-go pricing to help manage costs across predictable and variable workloads. In most cases, you can further reduce costs with the size flexibility feature of Reserved Instances.

Moreover, by making a full prepayment, you can easily plan your budget, forecast expenses and calculate your investments.

More details

Expenses covered by the reservation

Service plans:

  • Reserved Virtual Machine Instance - A reservation covers only the compute costs of the virtual machines. It does not include additional software, networking, or storage.
  • Azure Storage Reserved Capacity - The reservation covers Blob storage or Azure Data Lake Gen2 capacity for standard storage accounts. The reservation does not cover throughput or transaction rates.
  • Azure Cosmos DB Reserved Capacity - The reservation covers the cost of throughput provisioned to resources. It does not cover storage and network costs.
  • Reserved virtual SQL Database cores - Reservation covers compute costs only. License is paid separately.
  • SQL Data Warehouse - Reservation covers cDWU usage. It does not cover storage and networking costs associated with using SQL Data Warehouse.
  • Base Fee for App Service - Reservations cover the base fee. They do not apply to worker roles, so all other resources associated with the base fee are billed separately.
  • Azure Database for MySQL
  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Azure Database for MariaDB
  • Azure Data Explorer
  • Premium SSD Managed Drives


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